Developing intellectual information analysis technologies in communications networks

Project tasks

  • To develop the methods and algorithms of conducting morphological, syntactic, and semantic model of traffic analysis;
  • To develop  software-hardware complexes and respective design documentation, ensuring data-flow computing of actual data, based on application of the methods and algorithms developed during the R&D phase;


  • To develop an expert system, allowing generating model descriptions of criminals and crimes, identification of respective objects and making predictive analysis;
  • To generate patterns based on the results of statistical algorithms or by formalizing expert judgements.


Project participants

  • LLC Signatek;
  • Institute of Mathematics named after S.L. Sobolev, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Novosibirsk National Research State University;
  • NovosibirskStateTechnicalUniversity;
  • LLC Issledovatelskiye Sistemy;
  • LLC Futurolab.

Market potential

Currently software products meant to solve similar tasks have been developed in the world. However, the existing versions are not adapted to target areas, are very expensive, and some of them are inaccessible in many countries, including Russia.

The main products expected to be produced constitute about three dozens of specific tasks offered by different users (investigative work subjects, government authorities, communications operators and internet-providers).

In accordance with the studies conducted, the estimated market capacity will be 4,000 million rubles/year.


Intellectual data processing is a strategically important task of ensuring public safety. The software-hardware complexes and respective design documentation being developed will allow counteraction in relation to criminal threats, reduction of crime and protection of data communicated in the communications networks.

Project phase

A list of research tasks and approaches to their solution has been made, and scientific expert examination of the project tasks has been conducted. We are searching for possibilities of using government support.

The implementation and funding plan

The extended calendar plan covers the basic project phases and the expected results.

Project phase

Implementation period (duration)


Funding, thousand rubles


2014 – 2016

Techniques, algorithms, software-hardware complexes for intellectual computation of data. Design documentation and prototypes, scientific and engineering documentation


Launching production

2015 – 2016

Technological processes and test benches





Required support of the cluster infrastructure


  • Using the resources of the engineering center of the IT-cluster (technopark of the Novosibirsk region);
  • Methodological and organizational project support;
  • Technical expert examination of the tasks performed;
  • Attracting new participants;
  • Preparation of documents required for obtaining federal and municipal co-fundingsupport.

