1. Algavak-Мis a vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis А.
2. Immunoferment теst-systems (diagnostics of hepatitis А):Vectogep A-IgM, Vectogep А-antigen, Vectogep А-antibodies.
3. Biologically active supplements on the basis of bifidum and lacobacteria: Bifidum BAG, Trilact, Ecoflor, Probioflor – Lacto, NariLac-Forte-В.
4. Ferments of probiotic microorganisms for home making of fermented dairy products.
5. Ferments and technologies for milk industry.
6. Astera, a dry biomass of probiotic microorganisms Astera for pharmaceutical and food industry.
7. Fermented dairy probiotic products for functional nutrition of the BIFIDOM series: Bifidokefir (bifidum yogurt), Bifacyl, Bifatonic.
p.o.box 149 Koltsovo town Novosibirsk region, Zip code 630559
(for Russian post-office please use this address: 630559 Новосибирскаяобласть, Новосибирскийрайон, р.п. Кольцово, а/я149)
Head of the Marketing Department: Elena S.Chernysheva
+7 (383) 336-75-01