Production of the product line of effective and safe biological agents based on predacious fungi to combat parasitic Nematoda (eelworms) of plants and animals and to boost plant growth:
biological agents based on predacious fungi to combat parasitic Nematoda (eelworms) of plants;
biological agents based on predacious fungi boosting plant growth.
The product may be both in the dry and liquid form.
The biological agents developed on the basis of Nematoda-fighting fungi, the natural enemies of Nematoda, have the following advantages:
They are environmentally and biologically safe;
The boosting figures of plant growth and development 1 month after planting cucumber seedlings into soil exceed the control figures by 20-25 cm;)
The yield grows:
- reduction of soil contamination with nematode in hothouses due to the product application reaches 86%,
- The yield gain for the cucumber is 2 kg per 1 sq m and more;
- Potato yield grows 1.5 – 2 times;
- The share of large berries in the strawberry yield increases by 5 – 17 %;
Prolonged action: saving in soil treatment is achieved, as the product is introduced into soil once in 2 or 3 years;
Product consumption per area unit is low (in liquid form:0.5- 2 l per 1 sq m, in dry form:100-150 g per 1 sq m)
The strain of the fungus Duddingtonia flagrans is highly effective compared to similar isolated strains;
The products have a wide range of action: gallic, cyst-forming, and stalk Nematoda of plants, and animal worms;
Our supply is flexible, allowing fast correction according with the demand;
There is no negative impact on soil fertility and its inhabitants, the useful microflora and microfauna.