
Production of the product line  of effective and safe biological agents based on predacious fungi to combat parasitic Nematoda (eelworms) of plants and animals and to boost plant growth:


The product may be both in the dry and liquid form.


The biological agents developed on the basis of Nematoda-fighting fungi, the natural enemies of Nematoda, have the following advantages:

- reduction of soil contamination with nematode in hothouses due to the product application reaches 86%,

- The yield gain for the cucumber is 2 kg per 1 sq m and more;

- Potato yield grows 1.5 – 2 times;

- The share of large berries in the strawberry yield increases by 5 – 17 %;

Mailbox 6, 12 Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Russia 630559

Development manager: Anna Sergeyevna Mishina
+7 913 711 57 62

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