Siberian Science Polis Research and Production Cluster- is a historically established and continuously developing complex of interrelated enterprises and organizations, with advanced scientific, technological, educational, and entrepreneurial competencies, enabling the industries of the new economy to be effectively developed.
The Сluster has been established in the Novosibirsk region. It is based within the boundaries of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, Koltsovo science city and Berdsk satellite city.
The Cluster is about 300 enterprises and organizations united by a common academic culture, science-intensive developments, complementary technologies, joint projects, innovative and social infrastructure.
If you want to know more about Siberian Scientopolis Cluster of Novosibirsk, please, contact the Novosibirsk Regional Cluster Development Centre.
Siberian Scientopolis Cluster of Novosibirsk is awarded with European Cluster Мanagement Excellence label in bronze.